California Vaccine Injury Attorney
The attorneys at Widman Law Firm are admitted and able to file claims for vaccine injuries transpiring in the State of California. Vaccine injury petitions are filed in a special federal court known as the Court of Federal Claims, for purposes of vaccine injury claims also referred to as the “Vaccine Court.” Because it is a federal court, the admission required to bring vaccine injury claims in front of the Court of Federal Claims, is a federal admission. Therefore, Phyllis Widman, Esq. and her staff are fully prepared to file vaccine injury claims in all 50 states and D.C., including California.
Cases in the Vaccine Court are for the most part handled entirely remotely. This means that although the Court itself is physically located in Washington D.C., most matters are completed start to finish without the victim/”Petitioner” or their attorney ever having to physically appear in court. This accessibility allows victims even as far away as California to fight for compensation for their vaccine injury claims without hindering the process based on location. There are quite a few other differences between the vaccine court and a more typical civil court experience that having a highly specialized attorney is helpful for navigating.
What is today known as the Vaccine Court, which is part of the Court of Federal Claims, began as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. The NCVIA created a no-fault system whereby the victims of vaccine injuries could not sue the manufacturers of the vaccines directly, but rather had to exhaust a federal filing program first – the “Vaccine Court.” The adversary in the Vaccine Court is always the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), a government entity, rather than the manufacturers or administrators of the vaccine. While the Vaccine Court was initially created in response to lawsuits stemming from injuries to children, there are now at least equal to, if not more, adult injury claims filed each month as compared to minors.
Phyllis Widman, Esq. has been admitted to the Court of Federal claims for many years and continues to actively focus her practice in the specific area or vaccine injury. Her experience in vaccine injury law is exclusively focused on fighting for the victims of these injuries and their families, helping them navigate the emotionally and financially tolling times after a vaccine injury occurs. If you or a loved one has suffered from a shoulder injury (SIRVA), or been diagnosed with any neurological or immune disorder due to a vaccine administered in California, Phyllis Widman and her team are here to fight for you. Send us a message today and we will follow up with you for a free consultation. Whether you are in San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Sacramento, Oakland, Fresno, Anaheim, Orange County, Satana Monica, Berkeley, Pasadena, Irvine, or anywhere in between, the attorneys at Widman Law Firm are prepared to provide you and your family with high quality legal representation for your vaccine injury claim.