Arizona Vaccine Injury Attorney
The attorneys at Widman Law Firm can file claims for vaccine related injuries occurring in the State of Arizona. The Court of Federal Claims is a special court located in Washington, D.C. that is dedicated to hearing claims for vaccine injuries. Federally admitted attorneys such as Phyllis Widman, Esq. may bring claims for vaccine injuries occurring in all 50 states and D.C., including Arizona. Whether you are in Tempe, Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff, Sedona, Scottsdale, or anywhere in between, our attorneys can provide you with high quality representation in filing your vaccine injury claim.
The Court of Federal Claims, commonly referred to as the “Vaccine Court,” operates almost entirely remotely. Where the individual filing is usually referred to as the “Plaintiff” in civil court, in the Vaccine Court they are referred to as a “Petitioner.” Despite the Vaccine Court being located in Washington D.C., Petitioners from all around the country are often able to pursue their vaccine injury claims without ever having to physically appear in court, making the process accessible to individuals all over Arizona and the rest of the country.
The Vaccine Court has quite a few other distinct differences from civil court. First, the adversary in these matters is always the Department Of Health and Human Services (HHS) rather than the administrator or manufacturer of the vaccine. Second, the initial filing is referred to as a “petition” rather than a complaint and has different standards and requirements for its content and formatting than a more common civil court complaint. Third, there are only bench trials (no jury trials) that are conducted by “Special Masters” rather than judges. Attorneys fees are covered in the Vaccine Court, therefore you never pay attorneys fees. The Court is highly specialized and having a specialized vaccine injury attorney is helpful.
Widman Law Firm has experience representing the victims of a wide-range of vaccine injuries. Some common vaccine injuries include SIRVA, GBS, and CIDP. SIRVA, standing for “shoulder injury resulting from vaccine administration,” is an umbrella term that encompasses numerous reactions that can happen when a vaccine is improperly administered into the wrong location of the shoulder. This improper administration can result in pain and injury to the shoulder and upper arm, sometimes even traveling to the hand, fingers, neck, and other side of the body. In severe cases, this can cause the individual to completely lose range of motion in their shoulder. These injuries are often associated with a diagnosis of bursitis, tendonitis, and frozen shoulder. Shoulder injuries are some of the most common vaccine injuries filed in the Court of Federal Claims, along with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Vaccines have been implicated in both the development of GBS and CIDP in patients with no history of the diseases and relapses in patients with a prior history of GBS or CIDP.
Ms. Widman is passionate about fighting for the victims of vaccine injuries and has been doing so in front of the Court of Federal Claims for many years. This passion has driven her to focus her practice in vaccine injury law over the last several years. Vaccine injuries often cause lots of financial and emotional burdens on the victims themselves as well as their loved ones. Widman Law Firm has represented victims from all over the country with a wide range of injuries and needs with the compassion and care they deserve. Phyllis Widman, Esq. and her team of professionals are prepared to walk you through each step of the process and fight hard for your compensation. If you or someone you know has been injured by a vaccine administered in Arizona, don’t hesitate calling Widman Law Firm today for a free consultation.